When undergoing PT certifications there is one thing you learn that may sound strange, but mental peace and acceptance is as important to any fitness training as the physical activities involved. When you go in for fitness training, besides the body adjustments you are looking for, you also need to develop new healthy habits on a long term basis.

Such long term commitment requires a strong mental approach. You need to be mentally strong to commit to the workout routine on a regular basis. At times missing a couple of sessions can lead to your mind adjusting to no-workout days – and missing out can become a habit.
What a lifetime commitment requires

You will also learn during your PT courses that like getting involved in any serious activity your mind has to make necessary adjustments to cope with the timing, opportunity and activity itself. Fitness training can involve many ups and downs it can challenge your physical readiness as also your food intake. There will be days when you might feel like throwing in the towel and going back to square one. This is where you have to take hold of your doubts and persevere. Only then will you have a chance of succeeding.


Face facts
You may often feel ‘why me’? Why am I so out of shape and need to go through fitness training? Do not pity yourself. Every person is different with different needs. You may be a bit on the bulky side so would like to lose some flab. Someone else may be too thin and need to build muscle.

There may be others who seem to you to have perfect bodies. Then why do they train? Because to maintain that well shaped body it needs constant working out and a state of healthy living. So if you need to do workouts to trim down, do not indulge in self pity. Take hold of your doubts and negative ideas and discard them. Adopt a positive attitude and focus on why you are training.
Slowly your efforts will show fruit and from there you can build a stronger approach. Along with exercising you will also need to adopt new eating habits to sustain good health. Just doing a few workouts here and there is not going to cut it. You have to take on the challenge long term.

‘Momentum’ helps
Once you get into the mood for training, you get swallowed up in a kind of positive force. Say you are able to lose a good few pounds in a planned period. Do not allow yourself to lose that force. Even if you find you have not made any progress, keep up a positive attitude. If you need to take it easy and swallow the disappointment, do so. But do not stop the training. Each small step will get you closer to your goal.

In time the fruits of your labour will show and you will see a leaner stronger person in the mirror with increased energy levels. You will recall that to reach the unhealthy stage it took your body some time. So also to get it back to being fit and healthy, you need to give it time. The important thing is to take the first step.