The Art of Buying Indian Clubs and Steel Maces Online

In recent years, the fitness industry has witnessed a resurgence of interest in traditional training tools, such as Indian clubs and steel maces. These ancient implements offer a unique and effective way to enhance strength, mobility, and coordination. With the convenience of online shopping, finding the right Indian clubs and steel maces has never been easier. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the factors to consider when buying these tools online and provide tips on making informed purchases.

Indian Clubs: A Brief Overview

Indian clubs, also known as clubbells, are elongated, often tapered, wooden or metal clubs used in a variety of swinging and circular motion exercises. Originating from Persia and India, these tools have a rich history of being used for physical training, martial arts, and dance.

Steel Maces: A Brief Overview

Steel maces, on the other hand, are long metal poles with a weighted head. Much like Indian clubs, steel maces have ancient origins, dating back to Persia and later used by wrestlers and warriors for their training needs. Steel mace training involves dynamic movements that challenge balance, core stability, and overall strength.

mace swing

Advantages of Indian Clubs and Steel Maces

Before delving into the process of purchasing Indian clubs and steel maces online, let’s explore the numerous benefits of training with steel maces and Indian Clubs:

1. Functional Fitness: Both Indian clubs and steel maces emphasize functional movements that translate to real-life activities. The swinging, twisting, and rotating motions engage multiple muscle groups and promote overall body strength.

2. Improved Mobility and Flexibility: Training with these tools enhances joint mobility and flexibility. The circular and rhythmic movements help counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and sedentary lifestyles.

3. Enhanced Core Strength: Both Indian clubs and steel maces require core engagement to maintain balance and control during exercises. Strengthening the core is essential for overall stability and preventing injuries.

4. Increased Grip Strength: Holding onto the handles of Indian clubs and steel maces challenges your grip strength, an often overlooked aspect of fitness that is crucial for various activities.

5. Mental Focus: Performing intricate movements with these tools demands concentration and mindfulness, making them a form of active meditation.

6. Injury Prevention: Properly executed exercises with Indian clubs and steel maces can help correct imbalances and improve posture, reducing the risk of injuries.

Buying Indian Clubs Online: What to Consider

When buying Indian clubs online, several factors should guide your decision:

1. Material: Indian clubs are typically available in wood or metal. Wooden clubs are traditional and offer a comfortable grip, while metal clubs are durable and often preferred for their longevity.

2. Weight: Indian clubs come in various weights, usually ranging from 1 pound to over 10 pounds. Beginners should start with lighter clubs and gradually progress to heavier ones as their strength and proficiency improve.

3. Handle Length: Consider the length of the handle in relation to your body size and the exercises you intend to perform. Longer handles offer more leverage, while shorter ones provide better control.

4. Handle Design: Look for Indian clubs with ergonomically designed handles that provide a comfortable and secure grip. A non-slip surface can prevent accidents during workouts.

5. Quality: Opt for high-quality Indian clubs from reputable brands to ensure durability and safety. Ensure that the clubs have smooth, well-finished surfaces.

6. Price: Indian clubs are available at various price points. While it’s tempting to opt for the cheapest option, investing in quality clubs will pay off in the long run.

Buying Steel Maces Online: What to Consider

When purchasing steel maces online, similar considerations apply:

1. Material: Steel maces are typically made of solid steel for durability. Check the quality of the steel and the finish to ensure it meets your expectations.

2. Weight: Steel maces come in various weights, ranging from 5 pounds to 30 pounds or more. Choose a weight that aligns with your fitness level and goals.

3. Handle Length: Handle length varies among steel maces. Longer handles provide more leverage, while shorter ones offer better control. Select a length that suits your preferences and intended exercises.

4. Handle Design: A comfortable and non-slip handle is essential for a secure grip. Textured or contoured handles can reduce the risk of slipping during workouts.

5. Quality: Invest in high-quality steel maces from reputable brands. Ensure that the mace’s head and handle are securely attached to prevent accidents.

6. Price: Steel maces vary in price, with heavier maces typically costing more. Consider your budget and the long-term benefits of your purchase when making a decision.

Online Retailers and Brands

When shopping online for Indian clubs and steel maces, consider reputable retailers and brands that specialize in fitness equipment. Some well-known options include:

1. Dangerously Fit: Dangerously Fit offers a wide range of fitness equipment, including Indian clubs and steel maces. They are known for their high-quality products and innovative designs.

2. Rogue Fitness: Rogue Fitness is a trusted name in the fitness industry, offering a variety of training tools, including steel maces.

3. Kettlebells USA: This retailer offers a selection of Indian clubs and steel maces, along with other fitness equipment. They are known for their quality and customer service.

4. Fringe Sport: Fringe Sport provides a range of fitness equipment, including Indian clubs and steel maces. They often have options for both beginners and experienced users.

Indian clubs and steel maces are powerful tools that have stood the test of time, offering numerous benefits for physical fitness and overall well-being. When purchasing these tools online, be sure to consider factors such as material, weight, handle design, quality, and price. Invest in high-quality products from reputable retailers and brands to ensure a safe and effective training experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced fitness enthusiast, incorporating Indian clubs and steel maces into your routine can open the door to a world of functional fitness and timeless training traditions.