Pass Your Online Personal Fitness Training Certification

Want To Pass Your Online Personal Fitness Training Certification?

personal trainer

When preparing for online fitness courses, it is always good to avail of any good tips that can help with preparation and final passing.

Tips such as any particular method of studying you should avail of?

Any additional information sources you should check out?

To do really well in online fitness certifications, you could look at the following tips for guidance:

There are different types of fitness areas which you might like to specialize in. You could train as a health coach, a group fitness trainer, a personal fitness trainer or an advanced sport specific specialist. Slightly different approaches would be applicable for each role. More info in the Online Fitness Courses website.

  • As a health coach: In this role you would probably already have professional training in the fitness industry. It is recommended that you enrol as a client of an HC or work closely with a registered dietician. To be successful as a health coach you will have to develop a good understanding on coaching and how to encourage the clients to make lifestyle changes. Good knowledge and understanding of how physical activity and nutrition are related, is also required.
  • As a personal trainer: If you are looking at becoming a personal trainer you should try and work under an already established trainer. You will get an opportunity to learn about trainer-client relationships, how to assess clients and go through the interview process. You will also learn how to interpret pertinent information and work out safe training programmes for the clients.
  • As an instructor of group fitness: This job requires different types of training. You will be taught to deal with different modalities and environments. Examples would include things like the temperature and lighting in the training area, sound and equipment. You will get to watch how qualified instructors conduct classes to meet client needs.
  • As a fitness specialist in advanced health: When you specialise in advanced health it will involve networking with other professionals in the field such as dieticians, physical therapists, medical doctors, orthopaedic surgeons etc. What can prove helpful are further education courses which will educate you on dealing with individuals with medical disorders, pre and post natal clients, people with metabolic diseases etc.


While studying for the online CEC personal training courses you should not just concentrate on memorizing information on muscles and bones. It is important to focus on the outcome the training is intended for. You should read all the questions carefully so that you answer them correctly, if you have any questions about the modules always ask your personal training institute for more information.

Do not panic if you find you cannot answer a particular question. Carry on with the remaining questions and once completed, you can go back to the unanswered question and give it a shot. Another thumb rule when sitting for an exam is not to change your answers. Trust your first instinct it will probably be right. Dan Clay’s PT Supremacy has some great insights if you want to become a personal trainer.

Once you have completed the paper read through each question slowly and carefully to ascertain you have answered them correctly. Until and unless you take the exam you will not be able to progress. So have faith in your ability and take the all important step.Want more information?